Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Gestalt Principles


   This article was about the Gestalt Principle of similarity and different ways we perceive
similarity as well as how this can be applied to web design. The author states that shape,
size and color are fundamentals of this principal which can then be applied to links, page
content, and organization in web design. Similar shapes will seem to be linked even when
 jumbled around with others. The same goes for color and size. The articles' strength lies in
 its' usage of images which help the reader visualize the similarities. It also has strong
organization which is used by heading separate paragraphs with question to tie the paragraph
 to the picture. However, the author concludes with saying that this principle is simple but it is
 ok for a design to be complex.


   This article is about how continuity can be applied and how it works in our minds. It talks
 about how our mind continues pattern seen even if the pattern physical ends. Like how we
 might see four coverging lines instead of two lines that intersect if each part were colored
 different. Another way continuation works is when we see items placed in a row our minds
tend to group them together. Placing certain items a bit to the right causes our minds to see
 them as subheadings. We also follow objects that guide us to a certain spot. For example, if
 there was a picture of someone looking to the right you would look to the right.  Or if someone
 is pointing you would look where they point.


    This article relates closure to more than just design. It is used to create a hole picture that makes sense even if it's not there. The article uses the example of Patton's fake army. A German general put an enormous army at Calais to defend against an army that wasn't coming. He had gotten bits of information which he put together in order to make sense of them. However, instead of the enemy attacking at Calais they attacked at Normandy. This is an example of closure in a situation in design it can be used to create an entire image in our head or give simple snapshots motion.


   Proximity, uniform connectedness, and good continuation are essential for written communication. Without these a paragraph would be just random words on a page. Proximity helps us discern if certain things are in a group/together or not. If dots, like in the article, are placed close together then we perceive them as a group. While if they are farther apart they are separate groups. Even when the principle of similarity is put in to play if the dots are apart they are separated. An even stronger way to make connections is through uniform connectedness. For example, images or things in a box or connected by a line would immediately be seen as together. If elements are on a line or a curve then we relate them to each other. This would be the principle of good continuation being put in to effect. This principle is useful in a graph, grid or chart.


   The principle of figure/ground is where we distinguish what is background and what is figure. This principle also helps us see an object or image as 2-dimentional or 3-demantional. Like a blurred image would be seen as a background or an image or graphic with added shadows and highlights would be seen as figure. Figure and ground can also become interactive with each other, a good example would be Veerle Pieters' Duoh! website where the cursor can interact with the graphics changing them from ground to figure and vise versa.

Common Fate

   The principle of common fate is where we relate things moving in the same direction and find them more relatable than things that are not moving. We can see this principle in real life like cars driving on the highway. All cars are moving in the same direction at roughly the same speed, but if a car changes lanes or another car gets on the highway it catches our eye and we can respond to it. In the world of design this could be as obvious as a slide-out menu or bar. We take notice of that movement as respond to it. It could be interpreted in a less obvious way in complete works of design and how the elements and pieces work together or "move" in the same "direction".

Semester Reflection

      Over the course of the semester we were given a total of six projects. We started with name typography where we had to pick 12 aspects of ourselves and create typography with our names. Then, we each designed a poster, flyer, and tickets for homecoming. After that we got into groups and designed t-shirts, the group I was in desired t-shirts for Junior Committee. Then, we did another typography project in which we were given the quote "Every great design begins with an even better story." and had to come up with a completely typography image that went across three pages. Next, we did a branding project where we got a random number, animal, mineral, and two letters. With those we had to create a company and brand it, giving it a logo, letterhead, envelope, business card, app, product, storefront, and billboard. Finally, we were given the task of branding ourselves, which we're still working on. All the projects that are finished are all posted on my Behance

      While working on these projects I came across some issues. I started off well, but once I got to matting I realized I wasn't the best at project management. When I was matting my homecoming poster stuff I got behind and didn't finish in time. Along with that my matting job didn't come out as well as I would have liked. I also came along another bump when I accidentally didn't print my billboard and full logo for my branding project. I know I have to get better at managing my projects and feel kind of disappointed in myself for not doing as well. But I have gotten a little bit better at that over the semester.

      Some elements that worked for me during these projects were thumbnail sketches, group reviews,  and . I found thumbnail sketches, which were a new thing to me, very helpful and fun to do. I got to explore a concept and see what I could come up with. I liked that they were fairly small so I could put more of them down one a page and compare and contrast them. I also think that group reviews are extremely beneficial. It is very helpful to have people to bounce ideas off of and get feedback from. It also helps to have a pair of fresh eyes to look at your work. Like when I was doing the branding project one of my main colors was a red, which I didn't really like that much, and someone suggested to change it to black and it looked so much better. However, like i said before, I had a bit of trouble matting and planning. I didn't really plan how I was going to lay out the pieces on my matt board for the branding project until they had already printed. I also didn't really plan the sizes of each piece and my envelope ended up being a little big. And those are some things I wish I did plan for.

Image result for illustrator      This semester have I learned quite a bit. I learned about the Gestalt Principles as well as some nice graphic design tips. I learned more about printing, matting, and the software in Illustrator. And I learned more about soft skills like communication, and time/project management. The Gestalt Principles are similarity, continuation, closure, proximity, and figure and ground. These are they principles that make up a good design. I did another blog post about them if you want to check it out I also learned that you should never put red on black. Before this class I had never matted and didn't know much about printing. But I learned how to space pieces on a matt board and how certain thing get printed and 1 color, 2 color, 3 color, and 4 color printing. I also learned more about Illustrator. Before I didn't know much, wasn't very good at it and preferred Photoshop. This year I feel I've grown a lot in my Illustrator skills and now I prefer it over Photoshop. But I think some of the most important skills, one which I am still learning about and hope to get better at, are the soft skills. I am learning the growing importance of communication. Communicating to classmates, teachers, and communicating through design. This has been something I have struggled with because until I get to really know someone I am a shy person. But i hope I get better at communicating in the future. I also hope I get better at project management, a skill i am still leaning. So overall I hope to improve in every aspect of graphic design, but more specifically project management and communication.