For this project my class was put into pairs and created a homecoming poster, tickets, and infographic. One person worked on the poster and tickets while the other did the infographic. We worked on this for a few weeks. A challenge we faced during that time was lack of communication between us and the committee as well as meeting deadlines. The theme was questioned through out the entire project. It was originally given to us as a homey, cosy vibe on a dark and stormy night, but it was shaped by the committee to be a more spooky night theme. Even this was heard through friends of some people in the class and wasn't given to us directly. And while the end deadline was met the milestones were not. Along the way I learned a lot about infographics, what goes into them and how the should be layout. This being one of the first times i've really done an infographic I got a lot of feedback, like making it more graphic centers and adding a graph/survey which I did add. Overall I thought I could have done more to research infographics and I could have done more to meet milestones.

Outside Class Projects
This year, for experience and e-hours, I did quite a few outside projects. I created a logo and business card for Jennifer Brule, a real-estate agent who worked for Reese Nicholes. I created two t-shirt designs for seniors and Student Naturalist, the latter of which was used and manufactured. I also entered a quick design for the ONW Hall of Fame and some button design for the week of caring. For my church's children Sunday school I created 8 Christmas slides, one main, on blank, four lesson, and two memory verse, as well as an Advent calendar handout.
While at times i can get a little distracted in class I think overall I stayed on task and productive. I haven't really finished a project early or thought I did and sen time refining my designs as much as I could until the deadline. I also did quite a bit of outside class work for other clients as well as working on class assignments after school. I come in after school to work as well as during some Seminars and at home.

Overall I had a lot of fun with logo design and actually loved doing all the outside of class projects, and seeing them out on t-shirts or in Sunday school it feel really rewarding. I would do more to communicate with more people and spend more time researching and this will be my goal for next semester. I did learn a lot about infographics and enjoyed doing so.
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